I always love your travel stories Miss Lee! You know what a fan I am of yours and of course Venice. Can't wait for the world to start traveling again and I hope to see you here in the States as soon as the fates allow! Very curious about that novel you're writing...

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As always, great post. Evoking memories of places visited and dreams of places to explore. I’m off to Lisbon. Recommendations ?

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You've conjured up magical memories of Venice for me too Lee. Like you, I haven't been everywhere but two places come to mind, one where I've lingered and the other is one I can't wait to revisit. With photographer partner in tow - ring any bells! - and having secured a rented house on the lagoon, I've spent a month at a time on the Cook Islands of Rarotonga and Aitutaki. Crafting travel articles in situ is an unforgettable experience sprinkled with travel fairy dust. The other is Crete, visited all too briefly in 2019 but definitely on the radar for a long, long stay down the post-Covid track. Carol

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Lee - lovely column, thank you. For a non-fiction Venice indulgence you MUST read The Unfinished Palazzo : Life, Love and Art in Venice by Judith Mackrell. Here's to travelling to our favourite places very soon.

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